It seems I'm resigned to blog about my love life! Believe me when I say that was furthest from my intention when I began the blog. Okay, truthfully, I knew there would be one or two tidbits but the sudden unusual activity in that area of my life is causing me some concern much to the amusement/ hilarity of a couple of my close friends.
I've always loved a man in uniform. By now, y'all know that a man in a good suit makes me smile but a man in military regalia makes me go absolutely gaga! The feeling came upon me rather suddenly. Growing up, I was absolutely terrified of uniformed men, from the police to the soldiers. The mopols were my all time least favorites. (They probably still are. I mean there's no playing with those guys, asin dey no dey laugh!)
Hnmph! |
As a teenager, I remember conversations my mom would have with a cousin of hers over the phone who was a top shot in the Police Force. She would always holler "Come in Uniform!" teasingly at him, a salutation of sorts. I would just roll my eyes and pull a face, thinking 'blinking olopa'. Apparently that nickname has a long story which I'm not about to go into but the truth is a couple of years later, I can understand the pride and respect in her voice. A lot of women find a man in the uniform extremely appealing. I am not exempted. Some would say that I should be more interested in the man wearing in the uniform. I totally agree.
Why do women find a man in uniform so appealing? (And I'm not talking about the typical Lagos olopa. I'm going to focus on the imagery of a man in the Navy for the simple reason that they appear more civilised thus they are my favorite arm of the military.) Seriously, what makes a man in uniform utterly irresistable to a woman? What is it?
The Commander-in-Chief. |
Why does a normally articulate woman suddenly feel like she has a mouthful of marbles and can only giggle like a school girl at the sight of a uniformed man? I'm guilty as charged. At a dinner organised recently by a client of mine, I had the privilege to be seated between two hawt American marine corps detailed to the American Embassy in Abuja. I still wonder at how I was able to make intelligent conversation! As if being hawt male specimens was not enough, then add military join, plus those muscles to show for it. Chai!
Universal appeal. |
I've been known to jump at the offer to have a drink at the exclusive officer's mess hidden somewhere here in Abuja by a Captain friend just so I could oogle at the georgeous guys in their sparkling whites to my heart's content. Simply gorgeous! What makes them look so.... mouthwateringly good?
I think it's because they look so responsible, they have to be responsible! Does that make any sense? They are responsible to their position, their country, their team, their superiors. I tend to think that responsibility spills over to other areas.
I actually had to do a research on this one because it's hard to find a woman from 18 - 81 whose knees do not go weak at the sight of a sharply dressed man in uniform. Men in uniform appear committed. The ladies will agree that committment is something the men shy away from but a man in uniform shows he can committ to something. I mean, that's a start isn't it? He's committed to his job, serving his nation, his team. He will be just as committed to you, abi?
A man in uniform is always crisp and tidy. Their uniforms are fitted and in good condition, so it's extremely hard to be slouchy and untidy in a uniform, right? And they exude confidence. They seem to stand taller and speak more clearly. Women love a confident man and boy, do they know it! Men in uniform command respect by the authority they seem to represent and they act accordingly. It is extremely rare for a man in uniform to act out of character. He knows he is constantly being watched.
This long rigmarole and shameless gushing leads up to a confession...
There's a man in the military who seems to be keenly interested in me and wants us to be 'maybe something permanent'. *covering my face* Upon discovering his intentions, I think I went completely speechless, my usually glibe tongue couldn't think of anything witty or clever to dismiss the suggestion. Could that mean I'm actually considering it?!? Eeek! I lamented to my good friend A.O and she had a great time laughing her head off at me. I mean, it's one thing to love a man in uniform, it another thing to marry him, is it not? Hah!
Don't get me wrong. I love the military. I love the honest, gruelling, lay-your-life-on-the-line job they do protecting our nation and its citizens. Incredible display of loyalty. And the troops who go out on peace missions to warring nations? I cannot even begin to describe the awe I feel for them. The Police, the Navy, the Airforce, the Secret Service, etc.
At some point, I seriously considered joining the Navy and I still consider it from time to time...but the usual questions always pop up which form the basis of my reservations about my 'admirer'.
As much as you mutter 'Dayum' under your breath and have to pick your jaw from the ground at the sight of a uniformed man, would you marry a man in the military? /:)
There, I got it out!!! I'm not totally ignorant about men...and women in any of the forces. I have a couple as friends, have dated one or two. They are incredibly funny and witty. I would lose my breath at some of the dirty jokes they told. (Seamen are terrible!) I guess you have to have a extreme sense of humor to go through some of the experiences a lot of these fellows have. Despite their intimidating and gruff exteriors, a lot of them are actually soft-spoken, very caring, super sensitive (know that one for a fact) and know how to have a good time. They are also men and women of integrity and moral fiber.
The Abia Prince who is more interested in peace keeping than the throne. |
From the way I've spent the last couple of paragraphs lauding the men in uniform, y'all are probably thinking I may have convinced myself to give my uniformed admirer a chance at something 'maybe permanent'?
Well, I'm not forgetting the months away from home on some peace mission while I worry if he's going to get a bullet in the heart or head or worse, catch a grenade. Or the constant transfers and relocation. Or the totally regimented life. Then there's the killing people part; I know it's part of defending, protecting and serving your nation but...Eish! Can I deal with it?
Finally, the all time worst thing I can't stand about a man in uniform is how it's totally impossible to cajole him into changing his mind about anything once it's made up!
Some friends say they have anger issues and are women wrappers but I disagree. If anger and promiscuity are not the inherent nature of a man, then such a man will not suddenly act against his grain because he is in the military. Those characteristics would have always been a part of you, military or no. My opinion.
Others say it's lovely to sit on the outside and admire the military lifestyle, but families of men in the military absolutely hate the military lifestyle, towns etc. A large majority of the wives would leave in a heartbeat if they could. Eeek!
So what do you guys say? Would you marry a man...or woman in the military?
And please leave love matter out of it. In terms of practicality, would you? Funny though, my mind keeps flashing to Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge's wedding while I drafted this post... And Uti Nwachuku and Munachi Abii's look courtesy Weddings by MAI? Glorious!
Classic military couple. |
Loving the men in the groom's family. |
Loving the look. |
Weddings by Mai. |
I'm a hopeless romantic inspite of myself, am I not? :p
(Btw, has anyone noticed how difficult it is to get pictures of our people in the armed forces? It's a task I tell you!)