Hey luvs!
Last week I had the opportunity of being on a school trip to Geneva, Switzerland where we visited the organisations which puts the country and the region on the map in terms of International Law. I found the trip to the United Nations (UN), the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and the Red Cross truly fascinating and eye-opening on so many levels.
Truth be told, before the trip, Geneva would not have been a country that readily comes to my mind in the choice of a travel destination but lo and behold, to my utmost amazement, it is a very beautiful country (high standard of living aside). Open air cafes, clear brilliant skies, unbelievable art, incredibly blue lakes, expensive fast automobiles, glamorous, beautiful women and hot suave guys! Who would have thought?!
Alas, before I could get too used to it, the trip was over and I am left with the wonderful memories to share with you all.
On arrival. |
Firing up at the hotel before the heading off to the UN. Don't fret, it was only iced tea. *winks* |
SAU & POM - Naija swagz for dayzzz, I tell you! |
The Broken Chair in-front of the UN. |
The Broken Chair stands in-front of the Palace of Nations in Geneva and symbolises the opposition to landmines and cluster bombs. The sculptor Daniel Berset transferred ownership to Handicap International in 2004. |
I was so paranoid about the part hovering over my head. Lols! X_X |
On our way to find the entrance to the Palace of Nations, look who we stumbled on! Cue mad rush! |
Still at it. Yeah yeah, I'm a petite thing. Lol! |
Places! Finally! |
Finally some alone time with Ghandi himself. Trying not to look too pleased. |
We knew we were close to the entrance when we spotted these protesters. They switched to English for our benefit! Lol! |
Past Secretary-Generals of the UN. I was in awe. |
Yup! |
Truly the Palace of Nations. |
I'd never seen such architecture before except in Roman and Grecian Movies a la 300. |
The sheer size this building is a tale my feet will tell better. |
Truly magnificent! |
View of the lovely park beyond that has been closed off to the public. |
These are actually murals on the wall of a room whose name I can't remember because I was too busy taking pictures and fighting off the creeps at the same time. |
A camera cannot adequately capture the beauty of the art on these walls. |
Amazing! |
This was on the ceiling. |
Our very businesslike guide. |
A friend took this picture and burst out laughing. Can you spot what's wrong with it? :D |
The background was too good for me to pass up! :D |
After a long day, we finally headed out of the UN for a meal. |
We all looked and felt exhausted by this time. |
After a long day, it was back to the hotel for me.
Chiffon blouse - Zara TRF
High waisted wide legged chiffon pants - Marks & Spencers.
Satin jacket - NL Collection.
Scottie Dog Brooch - Random vintage shop.
Heart Foundation brooch - British Heart Foundation
Wooden & lucite rings - Had so long I don't remember. X_X
Green snakeskin effect shoes - Faith.
Light & Love,
Wao!!! My own little sister! You are so amazing with your description. i can see myself right there with you especially with the pictures.
Yes i can identify what caused your friend to laugh after clicking the camera. Who wouldn't with such a ...hovering over your head. I laughed too!
Keep it up girl and nice blog you got here! All my love!
Daddy had asked for these snapshots, you promised they would come. My instinct says look in here, Whoah! Great shots, magnificient pictures. Think it was worth every moment. K
eep it going.
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