Friday 22 July 2011


It's my birthday!!! Yippeee!!!
I woke up with a feeling less of;

and more of;

I feel terribly excited. I thought I'd have difficulty getting out of bed and I'd have to be towed out from under the duvet but I almost bounced off that bed and I've been feeling incredible +++positive+++ all day.
My Mom called me on the phone early this morning and sang songs of praise on my behalf while I danced, cried and laughed! And her blessings...? I feel tears springing to my eyes just thinking about it. That's definitely been the high point of my day. It's hard to be grouchy and ungrateful when I look around and I'm so blessed. It's hard to gripe about what I don't have when there are so many things that I do have, like family, friends, health, love, peace... and the list is endless.

So I'm going to enjoy myself today and have a fabulous day!!!

PS: Thank you C.E for that nude cake. It was... interesting. I wish I could share the pic but I don't want to offend some sensibilities, so I'll share this instead.

Happy Birthday to me! TGIF!!

Let's go!!!




Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Zenia said...

Thank you. :)